(+91) 8289003597
Nagardeola, Tal Pachora, Maharashtra- 424201 INDIA

Vision, Mission and Values




Our vision is to become a leading partner to our sponsors in the development of innovative and effective therapies for a wide range of diseases, agrochemicals, industrial chemicals, biotech products and medical devices.

Our vision is to be recognised as a model of excellence in preclinical and disease model, and regulatory safety assessment, driving progress and innovation in the field, while nurturing the growth and development of our local talent and infrastructure.


To provide world-class pre-clinical and disease model, and regulatory safety assessment services that meet the highest standards of quality, compliance and ethical conduct, while delivering innovative and effective solutions to our client’s needs.

Our team, organisation and resources:

At Trans-Genica, our capabilities help us meet our client’s business goals efficiently in a cost-effective way. We foster a culture of collaboration, learning and growth among our team members, partners, and stakeholders, enabling them to contribute to the advancement of the healthcare, biotech, medical device, agrochemical and industrial chemical industries and make a positive impact on society.

We support the growth and development of our local talent and infrastructure by providing access to state-of-the-art facilities, training programs, and mentorship opportunities, thereby creating a sustainable ecosystem that attracts and retains the best and brightest minds in our region.

We continuously invest in research and development initiatives that expand our knowledge and capabilities, and drive innovation in the preclinical and disease model, and regulatory safety assessment research areas.

We are trusted partner and leader in healthcare, biotech, medical device, agrochemical and industrial chemical industries, known for our commitment to quality, compliance, and excellence in research, while making a meaningful contribution to the health and well-being of people around the world.

We are committed to fostering quality culture for our team where all personnel involved in handling and supervising animal experiments are suitably trained to scientifically and ethically evaluate the use of laboratory animals and to perform animal experiments that meet the highest animal welfare standards following the 4R Principles of replacement, reduction, refinement, and rehabilitation.


At Trans-Genica, we are value added partner focused on solving our sponsor’s research and development challenges. Trans-Genica’s scientific and technical expertise and commitment for high-quality services are integral for the long-term relationships and strategic partnerships with our clients. 

  1. Client Focus: Understanding and meeting the specific needs and expectations of our clients and providing personalized attention, clear and timely communication, and timely delivery of results.
  2. Integrity and Ethics: Upholding the highest ethical and professional standards, including confidentiality, transparency, and adherence to regulatory requirements, to ensure the safety of both animals and humans involved in the studies.
  3. Scientific Excellence: Ensuring the highest scientific standards in all aspects of study design, conduct, analysis, and reporting to deliver quality data and reliable results.
  4. Adherence to Quality, Regulatory and Statutory Requirements: Ensuring strict compliance with all quality, regulatory, and statutory requirements (local, national and global) to deliver accurate and reliable results that meet the highest standards of safety and efficacy.
  5. Animal Welfare: Ensuring the ethical and humane treatment of animals involved in our studies, including the use of appropriate housing, care, and handling procedures, to promote their health and well-being while minimizing any potential harm or distress to the animals.
  6. Collaboration: Encouraging teamwork, communication, and information-sharing among all stakeholders involved in the study to foster a collaborative and productive working relationship.
  7. Innovation: Embracing new technologies, methodologies, and approaches to enhance the quality and efficiency of our studies and to improve the accuracy of our results.
  8. Sustainability: Minimizing the environmental impact of our operations, ensuring animal welfare, and promoting sustainable practices in our daily activities.
  9. Continuous Improvement: Providing ongoing training, education, and professional development opportunities to our staff to enhance their knowledge, skill sets and expertise to promote a culture of learning, innovation and excellence.